Railroad Street



RSYP invites you to join us in our efforts to make South Berkshire county a place that embraces young people and supports them as they grow.

There are many ways for community members of all ages and backgrounds to get involved with us:

Engage a Young Person:

Adults from the community are invited to submit youth-inspired or youth-focused proposals to RSYP’s Youth Operational Board (YOB). YOB meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm to review proposals. Approved proposals may receive assistance with funding, resources, referrals, or logistics. RSYP has supported hundreds of youth-inspired projects since its inception.

Submit YOB Proposal

Become a Mentor

RSYP runs a one-to-one, personal development mentoring program to match the interests of youth to mentors in the community.

Learn More

Make a Referral

Parents, family members, teachers, or other community members who need to speak to someone about a young person in their lives can contact an RSYP staff person.

Meet Our Staff

Make a Donation

RSYP depends on state and local grants, foundations, its annual appeal, fundraising events, and special gifts to meet its annual operating budget and support the needs of community youth. Your financial support is an investment in the future of our community.

Donate Online

Attend our Events

RSYP’s Culinary Arts Dinners, summer BBQs and Apprenticeship Celebrations are fun events that bring community together and provide opportunities for RSYP Apprenticeship participants to showcase their skills. When you attend one of our events, you are helping to sustain the programs that are so vital to RSYP’s mission of youth empowerment.

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